Anthony Coniglio II
Hello;We touched base over a year ago. Just wanted to let you know Hancock is still doing an outstanding job on he streets. He is street proven and even has a real life street bite courage test, which he hit the suspect in the high left pocket and stopped him in his tracks! He is also doing great at dope and trailing! He’s an incredible dog at home too, and loves my kids!!! Very social!
Thanks again for This dog!

Marion Hofman-Hofmann
About ten years ago we came into contact with you after I placed an emergency add for our German shepherd Charlie. He was too dominant and the situation got out of hand when he reacted out of fear towards the neighbours kid when we were walking him. Thanks to Frans, who came to our help in an absolutely amazing way in training Charlie there was no need to get rid of him. We have enjoyed our rascal for another 8 years.
Charlie is now no longer with us, he was twelve years of age when he passed away. Shortly after his passing we adopted Nike, another German shepherd who could not stay with it’s owner due to circumstances.
We are still very thankful to Frans for the way he helped us. The things we learned back then are still used on Nike today.
Hans Hermans
Pepper, who we got from Dogcentre Holland, now 6 years
old and very social, vigilant, very obedient and an amazing protector of our
home and children.